
Patent licenses (B2B)

At Bioithas we have patent licenses and carry out strict and rigorous clinical trials to mainly validate probiotic products, indicated and designed with the aim of improving the health and well-being of people.

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Below are the patent licenses available at Bioithas:


Probiotic mixtures with proven effectiveness for skin pathologies:

Probiotic for Atopic Dermatitis - See more

Probiotic for Psoriasis - See more

Probiotic for Acne - See more


Probiotic mixtures for other pathologies

Probiotic for COVID-19 - See more


Diagnostic kits (biomarkers) based on microbiota:

Multiple sclerosis - See more

Head and neck cancer - See more

Both the probiotic product for Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis have been licensed in more than 30 countries. The same is true for the Acne product.

Step by Step

Our methodology

Our work process is based on:

Previous, broad and exhaustive study of the human microbiota to identify those diseases likely to respond to treatment with probiotics that use this altered microbiota as a target.

The next step is to develop probiotics that are capable of modulating said microbiota, improving the symptoms of patients and consequently their quality of life.

Based on these data, we also develop biomarkers for early diagnosis of disease, which can also be used to predict the response to treatment in a specific pathology.

Why license your patent with Bioithas?

In the vast majority of cases, the results of our research are published in journals with a high impact factor. This makes our product recognized and accepted within the medical field, thus presenting enormous commercial capacity. For this reason, the product, whether a probiotic or a development for an early diagnosis biomarker, is patented nationally and internationally with the aim of its subsequent exploitation.

Within this line of business we are owners of several patents and developments that can be licensed to third parties through the B2B (business-to-business) model.

Within the line of probiotics our “expertise” focuses on skin pathology, but we also have numerous trials and extensive experience in digestive, immune, neurological and infectious pathologies.

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